Npk 1963

1963 Npk

Shock Fertilizers

Fertilizer packages 1963

20 liter of nano and organic fertilizer

NPK 1963 00 fertilizer is in nano form and shows amazing effects very quickly. Phosphorus in this fertilizer can provide the elements needed for plant growth in the best possible way and cause the optimal growth of plant cells. This element helps the carbohydrates or other nutrients present in the soil to be transferred to the plant more easily.

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5 liter of nano and organic fertilizer

Note that plants that receive enough phosphorus, their resistance to pests and other environmental problems will multiply and will have thicker stems and leaves. For this reason, whenever you feel that your plants are weak and damaged, it is better to immediately start fertilizing with 1963 fertilizer so that all the symptoms disappear and the vitality of your plants increases many times.

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1 liter of nano and organic fertilizer

By using this fertilizer properly, you can benefit from the properties and benefits of nitrogen. The nitrogen contained in 1963 shock fertilizer also helps plants grow better and leaves very favorable effects. Be careful, most plants need nitrogen element for proper growth at the beginning of planting, and if you do not provide this need for plants by using nutritious fertilizers such as 1963 fertilizer, you may face a decrease in the quality of the final products and the loss of plant roots.

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Shock Liquid Fertilizer


The element in this fertilizer

Plants that face nitrogen deficiency will experience paleness, leaf fall, stem browning, growth reduction, flower and blossom drop. Therefore, if you want to avoid damage and your plants will not be destroyed, it is better to use NPK 1963 00 fertilizer for the treasury. This nutritious fertilizer does not allow the freshness or vitality of plants to decrease and improves fruiting and flowering.

Farmers who use 1963 fertilizer regularly can also increase photosynthesis. In fact, by using this amazing product, you can prevent the growth of weeds and the spread of various plant diseases and help produce higher quality final products.

Other products



Hymic Acid


Amino Acid




1963 npk

The best time to use shock fertilizer is nineteen sixty-three
As it was said at the beginning of the article, N19 P63 K00 fertilizer is only for the treasury and helps to increase the vegetative growth of the plant by 10 to 20 cm in safe conditions and to increase its readiness to be transferred to the main land. Therefore, it is better to use it regularly for feeding when planting seeds and during the growth period of the plant.

Try not to over fertilize the plants using 1963 fertilizer and be sure to have a proper plan because in such a situation the possibility of plant damage increases. It is also recommended not to limit the fertilization work to a very short time and to do this continuously.

Learn about 1963 fertilizer

In order for your crops to continue to grow with minimal disease and shock when you transfer the treasury to the main land, it is better to use 1963 fertilizer according to the important points mentioned in this article. As you have noticed, this nano fertilizer has many properties and surprisingly prevents the drying or damage of the plant's roots. Of course, it goes without saying that to see the properties of 1963 fertilizer, you must buy it in high quality.

Reasons for popularity


Increase in tonnage

It is a complete fertilizer and reinforcement that causes a significant increase in the tonnage of the product;


Increased absorption of elements

It multiplies the absorption of elements through the roots of the plant;


Impact on soil

It multiplies the absorption of elements through the roots of the plant;
It increases the soil fertility of agricultural land;
It helps to improve soil texture and substrate;


Increase plant resistance

It increases the resistance of plants against environmental stresses and diseases;

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