

Shock Fertilizers

Fertilizer packages manganese

20 liter of nano and organic fertilizer

Shock manganese fertilizer is a type of nano fertilizer that is produced in America and is available for gardeners and farmers. This fertilizer is distinguished from other similar fertilizers due to its nano characteristics. The nano feature of this fertilizer helps it deliver nutrients to plants more effectively and improve their performance.

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5 liter of nano and organic fertilizer

These fertilizers use the latest technology in the world and are made in nano form, which makes manganese elements in the form of very small particles that can be absorbed by plants and absorbed by plants at the maximum speed. Manganese is one of the micronutrient elements that plants need in small amounts, but it plays a very important role in the growth and vital activities of plants. Manganese plays a role in the processes of photosynthesis, regulation of enzyme activity and energy production in plants. This micronutrient element is very important for maintaining the health of plants, and supplying manganese to plants is of particular importance.

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1 liter of nano and organic fertilizer

After iron, this element is the second essential micronutrient for plants and is very effective in the processes of photosynthesis and respiration. Also, manganese increases the absorption of nitrogen by the plant and thus indirectly contributes to the improvement of the greenness of the plant. But it should be noted that manganese competes with iron to be absorbed by the plant, so care should be taken so that plants do not suffer from manganese deficiency because it can act as a limiting factor for plant growth and harm the farmer and gardener.

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Easy to use

Increase photosynthesis

Improve plant respiration

Enhance plant germination

Very high purity percentage

Help the growth of the pollen tube

Increasing plant cell divisions

Increase nitrogen absorption by the plant

Increase protein and carbohydrate production

Contains 29% of the micronutrient element manganese

Proliferation of root cells and increase in root length

Increasing plant resistance against bad environmental conditions and pests and diseases

Learn about manganese shock

As a complete fertilizer, this product has excellent performance and helps reduce the economic costs of farmers and gardeners. Ten X Shock fertilizer contains compounds that increase soil fertility and provide a platform for better plant growth. It also plays an important role in increasing product tonnage.

Reasons for popularity


Increase in tonnage

It is a complete fertilizer and reinforcement that causes a significant increase in the tonnage of the product;


Increased absorption of elements

It multiplies the absorption of elements through the roots of the plant;


Impact on soil

It multiplies the absorption of elements through the roots of the plant;
It increases the soil fertility of agricultural land;
It helps to improve soil texture and substrate;


Increase plant resistance

It increases the resistance of plants against environmental stresses and diseases;

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