

Shock Fertilizers

Fertilizer packages cucumber

20 liter of nano and organic fertilizer

Special fertilizer for shock cucumber has superior quality compared to other fertilizers. This fertilizer improves soil structure, increases nutrient absorption by plants and strengthens their immune system. By using the special fertilizer for shock cucumbers, you can increase the performance and useful life of your cucumbers and achieve a better output. -Increasing yield performance, special fertilizer for cucumber shock by providing proper nutrition and providing essential nutrients, gives cucumbers the necessary energy and increases their yield performance. By using this liquid fertilizer, you can produce cucumbers with high yield and quality products. - Improving the quality and taste, shock cucumber fertilizer contains important nutrients that facilitate the improvement of the quality and taste of cucumbers. This shock liquid fertilizer helps cucumbers grow healthy and balanced by providing proper nutrition and balance of nutrients, and as a result, cucumbers with superior taste and quality are produced.

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5 liter of nano and organic fertilizer

How to use special fertilizer for cucumbers Preparation of fertilizer solution: First, you must prepare a special fertilizer solution for cucumbers. To do this, you usually need to mix a certain amount of fertilizer with a certain amount of water. There are detailed instructions on the package of cucumber fertilizer that you can follow.

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1 liter of nano and organic fertilizer

- One of the prominent features of this fertilizer is its liquid state, which makes it very easy to use. You can easily measure the required amount of fertilizer and add it to the water that reaches the plants. The liquid state of the fertilizer provides the possibility of uniform distribution of nutritional elements in the roots and causes healthy and strong growth of cucumbers.

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Other products



Hymic Acid


Amino Acid





  • – Promotion of phosphorus absorption by cucumber
  • – Production of quality and marketable cucumbers
  • – Improving root growth and increasing water absorption capacity
  • – Increasing leaf production and increasing the useful surface of the leaf
  • – Improving fruit production and increasing the number and quality of fruit
  • – Regulation and balance of hormonal ratios in the plant
  • – Increasing the content of fruit color and flavor
  • – Strengthening the plant structure and increasing the strength of the stem and branches

Learn about cucumber shock fertilizer

- The use of special fertilizer for liquid shock cucumber, in addition to ease of use, provides uniform distribution of fertilizer. Due to its liquid state, this liquid fertilizer spreads uniformly and homogeneously in the roots and leaves of cucumber. This feature ensures that all the nutritional needs of cucumbers are provided uniformly and their healthy growth is guaranteed. - By using the special fertilizer for shock cucumbers, you will be able to produce first-class quality cucumbers. These higher quality products are more in demand in the market and allow you to have a stronger competition in the cucumber industry.

Reasons for popularity


Increase in tonnage

It is a complete fertilizer and reinforcement that causes a significant increase in the tonnage of the product;


Increased absorption of elements

It multiplies the absorption of elements through the roots of the plant;


Impact on soil

It multiplies the absorption of elements through the roots of the plant;
It increases the soil fertility of agricultural land;
It helps to improve soil texture and substrate;


Increase plant resistance

It increases the resistance of plants against environmental stresses and diseases;

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